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Close Protection Europe

Posted by Mark Harris on Thursday, November 9, 2023 Under: Close Protection
Close Protection and Security Services Europe

The crime rate in Europe has been rising steadily in the recent past. Cases of homicides, knife attacks, gunshots have all been reported. The Office of National Statistics has reported grim figures about criminal activities in Europe and the surrounding areas. Homicide cases increased by 23% in 2019 (compared to the 2028 figures), while knife killings increased by 28% in the same period.

Criminals in Europe and the United Kingdom do not only target businesses, but also individuals, especially those they believe are financially well off, like VIPs, celebs, or business magnates. That's why if you fall into this category, you'll need Europe security services and close protection. The nature of your work may also necessitate having bodyguards.

Executive and VIP Protection Services

Even if you don't want to hire bodyguards for yourself, you can hire them for your guests, top officials, or high-ranking employees. Whatever the reason you have for hiring bodyguards, Europe Close Protection Services is here for you. 

We are a forward-looking security company that understands that security is a basic need, and everyone needs dedicated protection not only in Europe and the United Kingdom, but everywhere else in the world.  That's why we adopt certain security measures, focussing on  both the aesthetics, as well as the material needs.
We combine these two aspects of security to ensure our clients have peace of mind. We base material security on strategic mathematical calculations that help us determine the likelihood of certain risks becoming real and, thereby, taking the necessary measures to protect our clients. The aesthetic aspect of our security system is about how our bodyguards carry themselves and the way they dress up. 

Our bodyguards in Europe carry themselves with dignity and are always smartly dressed. We ensure that the presence of our vehicles and operators are directly connected by appearance and type to the security system we've put in place. 

Our close protection in Europe is about providing practical solutions based on accurate measurements with our eyes keen on prevention. We study journeys and destinations; we carry out cartographic analysis and site inspections. And we also interview the local staff to find out about anything else that might be necessary or useful in helping us in executing our operations. 

We provide our clients with the best close protection in Europe, which includes pathfinding, and convoy security services in high-risk areas. We have a team of experts who have operated in complex or high-threat environments for many years. They receive regular training so they can handle any situation that arises while ensuring the unique need of each client is complied with. 

We follow an efficient and collaborative approach to make sure we provide our clients with the best bodyguard services in Europe at affordable costs. We've worked with many clients, and one thing we've realized is that their cooperation has contributed to a lot to our success. 

Our clients trust us and are willing to provide us with as much information as we need to help us provide them with services that guarantee 100% satisfaction. Because of our dedication and excellent work, we've managed to grow from a small security company to a fully fledged security agency offering all kinds of security solutions. So, if you want to hire security in Europe, don't look further than Europe Close Protection Services.

In : Close Protection 

Tags: close protection europe   


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