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Hotel Security

October 20, 2020
Hotel Security Warrington / Manchester / Liverpool / Cheshire / Merseyside / Greater Manchester / North West England. Even when Warrington Hotels have strong security policies and procedures in place, they are still vulnerable to cyber attacks, break-ins, theft, fraud, and other crimes. That’s why it’s vital to take precautionary measures and continually evaluate security programs. “Having robust Manchester Hotel Security in place means a better, safer, guest experience. ” When department managers and other employees think more about safety and security, you can prevent a lot of theft and minimise dangers.”

Guest Safety: Ensuring Return Stays and a Good Reputation

When guests check in, they’re likely more concerned about making a meeting or going sightseeing. Liverpool Hotel Security shouldn’t be on their minds during, or after, their visit. In the summer of 2012, security researcher and software developer Cody Brocious exposed a security flaw in certain Onity door locks and revealed a lock-hacking technique that received widespread exposure in the news. Since then, dozens of guestroom burglaries at hotels in the North West have been linked to the hacking technique. Although Onity announced a fix for the security flaw, Cheshire Hotels that have not taken the appropriate steps to mitigate risks posed by this threat are still vulnerable.

With social media and review sites spreading negative sentiment like wildfire, it’s more important than ever to amp up guest security—your reputation and bottom line depends on it. Here’s how:

Update locks

Locks that can track who goes in and out of rooms can serve as a deterrent to theft. “When employees realise there’s an audit process on door security, it makes rooms less prone to theft,” Callaghan says. Other upgrades include automatic deadbolts, which can better prevent external threats from thieves, or systems that eliminate the need for master keys.

Make time for safety meetings

Perhaps as part of a regular meeting, schedule time to talk about guest safety. Part of this time could also be spent watching training videos, such as those produced by Safety Source Productions. These videos, accompanied by handouts, are a low-cost way to share information about guest safety and can train employees about how to spot suspicious behaviour.

Monitor activity with software

Having closed-circuit television to monitor the property doesn’t matter too much if no one is looking at the monitors. Recent innovations in software have solved that problem. Coupled with software, video cameras can now recognise activity in an area and provide an alert. One example: the system can alert when there is activity in a valet parking area. Other options include using a third party to monitor the exterior of the hotel. Some of these systems have voice command capability, where operators can see and warn off people captured on surveillance.

Meet and greet

One of the simplest, but most effective, ways of securing a Greater Manchester Hotel is to provide excellent customer service. “Engage customers you encounter,” Clifton says. “Ask them about their stay and if there’s anything you can do to help. You don’t have to throw more labour at security. Just make employees a little smarter.” By talking with people on your property, staff can determine if there’s a non-guest who may intend to commit a crime. Employees should also look out for people who don’t fit the profile of the hotel’s typical guest.

Provide a sense of ownership

When employees have a sense of ownership in a Manchester Hotel, security throughout the property will be much tighter. One method to promote such ownership is instituting some form of profit sharing. So, when employees see waste or theft, they’re more likely to stop or report it. “The employees are the eyes and ears of the hotel,” Callaghan says. “At hotels where they’ve had profit sharing, I’ve heard employees say things such as, ‘Hey, don’t do that, that’s my profit sharing.’ ”

Boost employee empowerment

Related to ownership, when employees have a sense of empowerment, they’ll be able to solve safety and security problems quickly and often more efficiently. Have an anonymous tip line, where employees can report theft or threats to guest or staff safety. And when an employee sees anything unsafe or unsecure on the property, have a work order system in place that treats these reports with priority.

Staff smart

During the hiring process, conduct drug screening and criminal background checks. Then, once the person is hired, explain that there are controls in place. Employees who know there are monitoring systems will be less likely to commit crimes of opportunity. And while it may be tempting to consolidate duties, reduce headcount, and save payroll, it may cost property managers in the long run. For important processes, such as handling a cash bag, have at least two people sign off. Also, to avoid adding staff, property managers can also turn to external, off-site auditors.

Add active monitoring to video surveillance

Most Warrington Hotel properties have some sort of video surveillance of employee activities around sensitive areas, such as the front desk and cash drawer. But new technology enables another level of monitoring. Software enables Manchester hotel owners to match transactions with video surveillance, eliminating the need to watch hours and hours of video to find potential criminal activity. For example, the software can detect when a cash draw is left open and will show that whatever is being passed over a scanner is actually read. 

Connect IT and security departments

Don’t keep a wall between the information technology and security departments of your property. “The two departments should work together, because security is [vital to] both their jobs,” Clifton says. “Clearly establish how the two departments work together, and they should know where each other’s responsibilities stop and the other begins.” To foster this relationship, some properties place the two departments under the same manager and same budget. And the two departments should conduct regular security meetings, perhaps as often as once a week.

Upgrade to VLAN

A LAN, or local area network, is a network that connects computers. For many businesses that includes a WiFi access point for customers. However, WiFi that’s directly connected to your property’s servers can pose a risk and provide easy access for savvy hackers. One way to add more cybersecurity is to install what’s called a VLAN, or virtual network. Relatively inexpensive, VLANs often don’t require additional hardware. Installing this software can add another layer of security between your servers and potential hackers. Also, a common feature of VLANs is the ability to set up multiple wireless network names, which can have varying levels of security. Computers used for business and staff can have a high level of security, and guest WiFi networks can have a lower, easy-to-access level of Cheshire Hotel Security and be separated from the property’s network.

Beware of social engineering

Not all cyber threats occur online. Social engineering and physical hacking of hotel computers pose a significant risk. “Employees should have an awareness about the physical security of computers, access control, and passwords,” Clifton says. “Many of the big hacking schemes we hear about start with someone conning a password out of an employee.” Change passwords every three months. Also, employees should monitor the physical access points to a property’s computers and servers. Make regular patrols to look for people who are in staff-only areas of a Manchester Hotel property.

Event Management

October 20, 2020
Event Security Manchester. Planning an event can be a stressful process, and can often leave event organisers feeling overwhelmed. Our top 10 tips for Successful Manchester Event Management will help you to master the fine art of planning a memorable and effective event.

Begin Early

Begin planning as soon as you possibly can. If your event is a large event you should realistically begin planning it four to six months in advance. Smaller events need at least one month to plan. To keep the final ...

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